Figuring Out Your Passion

My husband is one of those people that grew up knowing what he wanted to do for a career and sometimes I’m envious of that.  I turned 39 last month and I still am asking myself the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”  I’m sure I’m not alone, because I believe my husband is the exception, not the rule.  Most people don’t know, or are stuck in a job that they don’t love.  Or even like.

I have found myself in jobs I don’t absolutely love for the past few years.  It’s been frustrating to say the least.  My current job, while I love the customers I deal with, my boss and teammates have been awful.  The shit that has come out of their mouths has left me appalled and feeling alone.  Very alone.  Recently a colleague said she was concerned I was raising the bar for everyone else in our department by providing a customer with a thorough well-written piece of documentation.  She even sent an email to our entire team saying she wasn’t going to provide that to her customers.  I shit you not. I personally believe that job security doesn’t exist any longer, but I am a firm believe that providing exceptional customer service to your customers helps you tremendously.

How do you find somewhere that matches your kind of crazy?  How do you even try to weed out places while job hunting and interviewing?  How in the fuck do you figure out what you want to be when you grow up?  

I feel so lost in this arena.  My husband has made suggestions but some don’t feel right. I’ve been selectively applying to jobs that pique my interest. Just figuring out how to cope with fuckwits at work in the meantime. 
If you have ideas I’m open to them. 

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